LAA closure: LIVE Educational Case from Netcare Sunninghill Hospital, Johannesburg - South Africa

Interventions for Stroke
LAA Closure
LIVE Educational Case
Main Arena

Anchorperson: Philippe Garot

Spokesperson: Sergio Berti

Discussants: Francesco Bedogni, Martin W. Bergmann, Ignacio Cruz-Gonzalez, Roberto Galea, Jens Erik Nielsen-Kudsk, Fabian Nietlispach

Operators: Farrel Hellig, Pieter Van Wyk

Imaging analyst in the cathlab: Rene Jansen Van Rensburg

Procedural Analyst: Ole De Backer

Medical coordinator: Emmanouil Chourdakis


Philippe Garot

Patient presentation

Sergio Berti

Heart team discussion
Operator strategy

Philippe Garot

LIVE Case procedure
Contemporary European Practice in Left atrial appendage closure: Results from a Survey focusing on pre-procedural planning, procedural techniques and post-implantation management of left atrial appendage closure

Philippe Garot

Key learnings

Philippe Garot