Crossing the finishing line - Latest best practices and technologies for large hole arterial and venous closure

Sponsored by Vivasure Medical
Coronary Interventions
Other coronary interventions
Case in Point
Vivasure Medical
Room 252A

Anchorperson: Darren Mylotte

Spokesperson: Nicolas Van Mieghem

Discussants: Vasileios Panoulas, Liesbeth Rosseel, Rajiv Tayal

Watch this session if you want

  • To understand current landscape of large hole arterial and venous closure techniques
  • To gain tips and tricks to minimise vascular complications
  • To learn about the novel patch-based closure approach
Session objectives

Darren Mylotte

Current best practices in large hole closure

Liesbeth Rosseel

Discussion and audience interaction
Patch-based closure for large hole arterial and venous

Nicolas Van Mieghem

Discussion and audience interaction
Case example

Rajiv Tayal

Discussion and audience interaction
Case example

Vasileios Panoulas

Discussion and audience interaction
Session evaluation and key learnings

Darren Mylotte