The turning point in hypertension care: Symplicity Spyral renal denervation in practice

Sponsored by Medtronic
Interventions for Hypertension
Renal denervation
Room 241

Anchorperson: Flavio Luciano Ribichini

Spokesperson: Rasha Al-Lamee

Discussants: Valerie Duchatelle, Roland Schmieder, Andrew Sharp

Watch this session if you want

  • To know the upgraded recommendation of renal denervation for hypertension treatment in the latest guidelines
  • To understand how to perform a safe and effective renal denervation procedure
  • To learn how to set up a renal denervation programme and partner with referring physicians on patient selection
Session objectives

Flavio Luciano Ribichini

Guideline recommended approach to renal denervation

Roland Schmieder

Setting the standard: the safe and effective use of Symplicity Spyral renal denervation

Andrew Sharp

Learn from the experts: addressing commonly asked questions
Establishing a renal denervation service with a mutli-disciplinary team

Valerie Duchatelle

Renal denervation patient selection and follow-up
Session evaluation and key learnings

Flavio Luciano Ribichini