Cracking the calcium code - Novelty and utility of Hertz Contact intravascular lithotripsy

Sponsored by Elixir Medical
Coronary Interventions
Calcified lesions
Other coronary interventions
Case in Point
Elixir Medical
Room 251

Anchorperson: Stefan Verheye

Spokesperson: Valeria Paradies

Discussants: Johan Bennett, Stefano Galli, Roxana Mehran

Watch this session if you want

  • To learn about the novel HC-IVL system
  • To understand types of moderate to severe calcified lesions that can be successfully treated with HC-IVL
  • To learn tips and tricks of the HC-IVL procedure
Session objectives

Stefan Verheye

Technology overview

Valeria Paradies

Case 1

Johan Bennett

Discussion and audience interaction
Case 2

Stefan Verheye

Discussion and audience interaction
Session evaluation and key learnings

Stefan Verheye