First-in-man and out-of-the-box innovations hotline

Coronary Interventions
Interventions for Hypertension
Other coronary interventions
Renal denervation
Hotline / Late-Breaking Trials
Room 243

Facilitators: Rafael Beyar, Jean Fajadet

Discussants: Yuval Binur, Eric Le Royer, Faisal Sharif, William Wijns

Session objectives

Jean Fajadet

NeuroOCT (nOCT): turn on the light inside the skull

Giovanni J Ughi

Discussion and audience interaction
BackBeat: Atrio-Ventricular Interval Modulation (AVIM) for blood pressure control

Hans Peter Stoll

Discussion and audience interaction
First-in-Man safety and efficacy of renal stimulation with direct wire pacing during denervation procedure

Benjamin Faurie

Discussion and audience interaction
Results of the REDUCED 1 study assessing the TIVUS system in renal denervation

James Zidar

Discussion and audience interaction
Radial approach renal denervation: first-in-man study with the 4F TIVUS system

Michael Jonas

Discussion and audience interaction
Renal Denervation as a day case procedure

Eileen Coen

Discussion and audience interaction
Multicenter registry on robotically assisted percutaneous coronary interventions - TESLA registry

Dariusz Dudek

Discussion and audience interaction
Robotic Tele-Surgery Stenting

Pradip Kumar Karmakar

Discussion and audience interaction
Advances in Holographic Imaging for Procedural Planning and Guidance (Realview Imaging)

Elchanan Bruckheimer

Discussion and audience interaction
Session evaluation and key learnings

Rafael Beyar