Sirolimus-coated balloon: exploring the case- and clinical-based evidences

Sponsored by Concept Medical Inc.
Coronary Interventions
Stents, scaffolds and DCB
Concept Medical Inc.
Room 252A

Spokespersons: Alexandre Abizaid, Roxana Mehran

Discussant: Marie-Claude Morice

Speakers: Sandeep Basavarajaiah, Bernardo Cortese, Aloke Finn, Antonio Mangieri

Watch this session if you want

  • To gain knowledge on the pre-clinical data on the MagicTouch SCB focusing on the safety and efficacy of the technology
  • To learn from the real world registries and complex cases to understand the practical implications and potential of the device in diverse patient population
  • To know about the comprehensive clinical trial program and what the clinical evidence suggests so far in different set of patient cohorts
Session objectives

Antonio Colombo

Sirolimus-coated balloon: a close look at the safety and efficacy from the pre-clinical data

Aloke Finn

Discussion and audience interaction
MagicTouch data from real-world population with case-based examples

Sandeep Basavarajaiah

Discussion and audience interaction
Confidence through evidence: MagicTouch sirolimus-coated balloon clinical programs

Bernardo Cortese

Discussion and audience interaction
EASTBOURNE: learnings and take aways from the significance of subgroups

Antonio Mangieri

Session evaluation and key learnings

Antonio Colombo