Ultra-low contrast techniques to improve the safety and quality of PCI in complex and high-risk patients

Sponsored by Philips
Coronary Interventions
Other coronary interventions
Tools and Technique
Room 252B

Anchorperson: Javier Escaned

Spokesperson: Breda Hennessey

Discussants: Dariusz Dudek, Matthias Götberg, Nieves Gonzalo, Dejan Milasinovic

Watch this session if you want

  • To understand how ultra-low contrast (ULC) PCI contributes to improve safety and quality of revascularisation of PCI procedures, particularly in complex and high-risk scenarios
  • To learn specific ways of using intra-coronary imaging and physiology, as well as dedicated tools like Dynamic Coronary Roadmap, to perform PCI without contrast administration
  • To share the principles of PCI through recorded cases to better understand how they work in practice
Session objectives

Javier Escaned

Why ultra-low contrast PCI is important

Dariusz Dudek

Discussion and audience interaction
How to incorporate ultra-low contrast skills to your PCI operator portfolio?

Matthias Götberg

Discussion and audience interaction
Ultra-low contrast PCI in practice: recorded case

Nieves Gonzalo

Discussion and audience interaction
Session evaluation and key learnings

Javier Escaned