Expanding the heart team - Improved TAVI outcomes through pre-and post-procedure collaboration

Sponsored by Medtronic
Interventions for Valvular Disease
Room Maillot

Anchorperson: Nicolas Dumonteil

Spokesperson: Vijay Kunadian

Discussants: Alessandro Beneduce, Victoria Delgado, Christoph Klein, Tanja Rudolph

Watch this session if you want

  • To advance heart team collaboration through optimised TAVI pre-work-up and refined patient selection
  • To gain hands-on insights for effective post-TAVI strategies and explore how procedural as well as valve refinements simplify post-TAVI PCI procedures
  • To stay informed on the latest TAVI valve durability data, empowering you to address your patients' questions with confidence
Session objectives

Nicolas Dumonteil

Elevating the Heart Team approach: strategies for optimised TAVI pre-work-up and patient selection

Tanja Rudolph

Discussion and audience interaction
Navigating success: hands-on insights of novel Evolut FX and procedural optimisation

Christoph Klein

Discussion and audience interaction
Post-TAVI care strategies and post-TAVI PCI steps

Alessandro Beneduce

Discussion and audience interaction
Durability dialogues: TAVI durability data for confident patient communication

Victoria Delgado

Discussion and audience interaction
Session evaluation and key learnings

Nicolas Dumonteil